Enhancing the Guest Experience: a Key to Repeat Bookings

Enhancing the Guest Experience: a Key to Repeat Bookings

The lifeblood of any short-term vacation rental business is not just getting bookings, but achieving repeat bookings. The guest experience plays a significant role in influencing this. A satisfied guest is not only likely to return but can also turn into a vocal advocate for your business.

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CASE STUDY: Virtual Assistant Remote Teams

CASE STUDY: Virtual Assistant Remote Teams

Managing 50-75 mountain cabins, the client grappled with operational inefficiencies and an overwhelming volume of guest requests. Challenges spanned auditing reservation details, coordinating with vendors, addressing guest communications promptly, and efficiently ogging expenses and handling damage claims.

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What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?
5 Star Service Melodie Uri 5 Star Service Melodie Uri

What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

Hygge Hospitality Partners have successfully leveraged VAs in our own vacation rental businesses in the past. We found that the key to a successful VA is centered on stability, training, and implementation. Our team of VAs have all been trained and have prior experience in vacation rental management. We have found success with clients by overseeing the implementation process to fit our team into the variety of operation models used by managers.

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